Monday, January 12, 2009

Turn Back Time, Slow Down Aging and Other Woes

What Helps? Here's my tips . . .

Take a step forward by finding a customized treatment and skin care products with ingredients that renew and help with the signs of aging without damaging or causing inflammation to your skin.

ASK and seek my help . . . I will evaluate, analyze your skin type and current skin condition. Precancerous spots are more common now, so continue (or begin) getting regular skin- cancer checks.

All skin tones need protection from sunlight -- find out which solar defense is best for your skin type and condition. You still need SPF during winter months.

Regular exfoliation (removal of dead cells from the surface of your skin) will automatically cause skin renewal by pushing new cells upwards toward the surface of the skin helping cell turnover, stimulating collagen, fading and brightening pigmentation. Ask me and find out which exfoliant is best for your skin.

Before bed, cleanse, tone (hydrate) and seal in moisture; use an eye treatment that targets all your eye woes.

Don't pick at clogged pores it will lead to scars and hyperpigmentation.

IF your skin is becoming inflamed, red, irritated or flaky more easily than ever -- beware of outside irritants, including the environment and the wrong skin care products.

Don't forget to drink water -- it is vital for a healthy body.

Finally, it's never too late to learn new habits, de-stress, relax and take action.

Looking forward to hearing your comments and/or any questions you might have.


1 comment:

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Elle, I know I pay you for facials, but I feel I should also THANK you. I have never felt so relaxed. My skin sometimes feels tight and drawn. Thank you for all the tips you give me during my facial. I am trying to remember to do those things. My husband said I looked YOUNGER when I came home! How soon can I get another one!!!!!